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Version: Android SDK v1.0.3

Query Videos

Querying videos happens through the video store component that you can retrieve with VideoKit.videos(). All functions of this component are asynchronous and will return the usual Call object, described here.

Note that just like all other network APIs, you will need a valid session or the call will return an error.

Fetch single video

Single videos can be fetched by id with the get() method:

val videos: VideoStore = VideoKit.videos()
videos.get(id).onSuccess {
// Got video!
}.onError {
// Something went wrong.

Query lists

The video store can return immutable lists of videos (List<Video>). As with other APIs, we use request objects to define the query parameters, all extending the ListRequest interface. We expose several types of requests, and in all cases you can set a SortOrder and limit and offset parameters.

Once you have the request, just call getList:

val videos: VideoStore = VideoKit.videos()
videos.getList(request).onSuccess {
// Got videos!
}.onError {
// Something went wrong.

Filter by user

You can filter by user using UserListRequest:

val request = UserListRequest(userIdentity)
val request = UserListRequest.builder(userIdentity) {

Filter by id

You can filter by id using CustomListRequest:

val request = CustomListRequest(ids = listOfIds)
val request = CustomListRequest.builder() {
ids("id1", "id2")

Filter by metadata and tags

You can filter by metadata and tags using FilteredListRequest:

val request = FilteredListRequest(tags = tags, metadata = metadata)
val request = FilteredListRequest.builder() {
tags("tag1", "tag2")
metadata("key", "value")