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Version: Android SDK v1.1.0


We provide three base Player implementations that you can choose from depending on your case. Using them is a bit different but they all share the same functionality from the Player interface.

On top of these, we also offer a special component called Pager for showing lists of videos in a view pager fashion. You can find pager documentation here.


A PlayerController is the low level implementation that, unlike the others, is detached from the UI. You will typically hold the controller instance in a ViewModel. Optionally, for perfect state restoration during configuration changes, we also recommend that you use Android's SavedStateHandle and pass it to the controller constructor.

class PlayerViewModel(state: SavedStateHandle) : ViewModel() {

val player = PlayerController(state)

override fun onCleared() {

As you can see, the PlayerController must be released when you're done with it. In order to show the UI and start using the player, you must also call one of the bind methods as soon as you have a view container. For example, with a fragment:

class PlayerFragment : Fragment() {

override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
viewModel.player.bind(this, view.findViewById(

By passing in the fragment instance, the controller will use the fragment lifecycle to avoid memory leaks, so that there's no need to unbind.


The PlayerFragment is a fragment implemented exactly as described above. It is the recommended implementation as it is very easy to use - no need to release or bind UI, because the fragment owns the views.

You can customize the fragment after it is attached or when creating it, thanks to the PlayerOptions class:

val options = {
val fragment = PlayerFragment.newInstance(options)


The PlayerView is a view that holds a controller, to be used for codebases that do not use fragments at all. Just like the controller, you must pass a fragment / activity / lifecycle with bind() to use it.

class PlayerActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val view = findViewById<PlayerView>(
view.bind(this) // necessary!

val video = intent.getParcelableExtra<Video>("video")!!
view.set(video, play = true)