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Version: Android SDK v1.3.0


As described, all Player implementations accept either a single video or a group of them (through either List or Playlist). When your content includes more than one video, players are able to navigate between them.

val player: Player = ...
player.set(videoList, play = true)
player.set(videoPlaylist, play = true)

The Navigator object

Internally, navigation is managed by a Navigator object (see below) that you can access using Player.navigator and register listeners if needed.

The navigator will let you navigate through the player content using handy next / previous functions.

// Navigates to the next element, if [hasNext] is true. Does nothing otherwise.

// Navigates to the previous element, if [hasPrevious] is true. Does nothing otherwise.

// Whether the navigator is navigating from one element to another. Some player implementations
// have transition support so navigating can take time.

// Current position and size of content

You can also use Navigator.Observer to receive real-time updates. This functionality is used, for example, by controls to keep the UI up-to-date:

player.navigator.addObserver(lifecycle, object : Navigator.Observer {
override fun onNavigationStart() { ... }
override fun onNavigationEnd() { ... }
override fun onNavigabilityChanged(hasPrevious: Boolean, hasNext: Boolean) { ... }

For coroutine users, the Navigator also exposes some flows.