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Version: Android SDK v1.0.3

State & Events

Every implementation keeps its internal state and offers a way to register listener objects to listen to important events.

Recorder state

The recorder state can be retrieved with recorder.state and, similar to our player component, matches one of the constants in the class:

RecorderState.BUSYRecorder is busy in some operation or transitioning from one state to another.
RecorderState.IDLERecorder is showing the camera preview, not recording.
RecorderState.RECORDINGRecorder is recording the camera preview.
RecorderState.PREVIEWRecorder is in preview mode, previewing a previously recorded video.

When recorder is transitioning from one state to another (that is, state is RecorderState.BUSY), you can check the state that is being transitioned to using recorder.targetState.

Recorder events

All Recorder events are dispatched to a that was previously registered using addListener.

recorder.addListener(lifecycle, listener) // start listening, stops automatically

recorder.addListener(listener) // start listening
recorder.removeListener(listener) // stop listening

Listeners are very important to be up-to-date about the recorder state, handle errors and create a responsive UI. We describe the listener interface as comments in the interface description below.

recorder.addListener(object : RecorderListener {
override fun onResult(record: Record) {
// Called after confirming the record.

override fun onError(error: VideoError) {
// Something went wrong! Handle the error.

override fun onStateChanged(@RecorderState.Value state: Int) {
// State changed!

override fun onTargetStateChanged(@RecorderState.Value targetState: Int) {
// Target state changed!

override fun onRecordChanged(record: Record?) {
// If record != null, we now have a pending record.
// This happens after the first clip is started.

override fun onClipsChanged(clips: List<Clip>) {
// Contains the list of clips with their duration. This
// is useful to implement an UI indicator.

override fun onDurationChanged(duration: Long) {
// Duration has changed, as recording progresses.