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Version: iOS SDK v1.3.0


The VideoKit object

Using the core SDK means interacting with the VideoKit object. This is the entry point for the whole SDK and gives you access to:

These methods return a concrete implementation of base interfaces (respectively, SessionManager, UploadManager, VideoStore, StreamStore, TokenRegistry) that will let you communicate with our infrastructure and perform all core operations. This design makes it very easy to mock the behavior of these components in your unit tests.

let sessions: SessionManager = VideoKit.sessions()
let uploads: UploadManager = VideoKit.uploads()
let videos: VideoStore = VideoKit.videos()
let streams: StreamStore = VideoKit.streams()
let tokens: TokenRegistry = VideoKit.tokens()

Keep reading to know about the capabilities of each component.

Asynchronous calls

All of our API calls are asynchronous. By convention, such functions accept a completion block with an optional result (non-nil in case of success) and an optional Error (non-nil in case of failure). They also return a Cancellable object that can be used to interrupt the call before it ends, if needed.

For Swift projects that use await and Swift concurrency features, in most cases we offer an async function with the same name.