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Version: iOS SDK v1.3.0


The entry point for the recorder SDK is the RecorderProtocol protocol. This protocol provides functions to:

  • start and stop the recording
  • control the camera through
  • configure the upload
  • preview the recorded video
  • build a responsive UI to show controls to the user.

The recorder will forward all relevant events to subscribers that were registered with the addObserver function. We recommend listening at least to the error event:

class CustomRecorderObserver : RecorderObserver { 
func recorderResult(_ result: Recording) {
// handle result
func recorderError(_ error: Error) {
// handle error
let recorder: RecorderProtocol = ...
let observer = CustomRecorderObserver()
recorder.addObserver(observer) // or more easily, self

We provide different implementations that can be used within your app depending on your needs, but all of them share the same API surface described below.

Unlike Android, iOS recorder does not automatically request camera and/or microphone authorizations. It is up to you to do so using the RecorderAuthorizations class.

Recorder protocol


The recorder is able to record multiple clips together in a single file. This means that recording can be paused and resumed as many times as you want. To start recording:


This will soon move the recorder.state from RecorderState.idle to RecorderState.recording. To pause recording:


This will bring back recorder.state to RecorderState.idle. At this point, the video is not finalized, and you have different options:

  • resume recording, with recorder.start()
  • confirm the video, with recorder.stop()
  • discard the video, with recorder.reset()

The recorder can go through multiple start() / pause() calls and the new video will just be appended to the existing content. You can also change camera sensor and settings in between.

Recording and segments

As you record clips with start() and pause(), the recorder will expose information about the recorded data with Recording and Segment objects:

// After the first start / pause cycle, you will find a non-null Recording
let recording: Recording? = recorder.recording

// List of clips, each one representing a start / pause cycle
let segments: [Segment] = recording.segments

// Recorded duration in milliseconds, keeps growing
let duration: TimeInterval = recorder.duration

Canceling the recording

To discard the recorded data (assuming it was not confirmed yet), simply call reset(). This will move the recorder to its original state, with no pending recording and zero segments:


Confirm the recording

To confirm the recorded data, simply call stop(). This tells the recorder that you are not planning to write anything else to this file.


After this call, you should soon receive a complete Recording in the recorderResult() listener callback. The record will contain several properties, most importantly an URL pointing to the resulting file.

Duration limits

The recorder has an option to stop recording automatically after a certain duration has been reached. This duration can be set through recorder.maxDuration as a TimeInterval:

// Stop automatically after 15 seconds:
recorder.maxDuration = 15.0

Configuring video parameters

You can configure both audio and video capture and encoding parameters using the AudioOptions and VideoOptions class.

recorder.audioOptions = AudioOptions(
source: .microphone,
channels: 1

recorder.videoOptions: VideoOptions(
source: .camera,
bitRate: 5_000_000,
frameRate: 30,
size: .input,
orientation: .device,
encoding: .h265