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Version: iOS SDK v1.3.0

Global Notifications

On top of reactive publishers exposed by some components, VideoKit offers a variety of global notifications sent through NSNotification that give you the flexibility to react on certain events.

You can subscribe through the notification center:

NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector:  #selector(self.notificationHandler(_:)), name: .<NotificationName>, object: nil)

In the snipped above, NotificationName can be any of the following:


Sent when a new video is created. The notification.userInfo payload will be filled with:

id: String,
video: Video


Sent when an existing video is updated. The notification.userInfo payload will be filled with:

id: String,
changes: [String:Any]


Sent when an existing video is deleted. The notification.userInfo payload will be filled with:

id: String


Sent when the session state changes. The notification.userInfo payload will be filled with:

state: SessionManager.State


Sent when the upload of a certain video starts. The notification.userInfo payload will be filled with:

id: String, // video/upload ID
upload: Upload


Sent when the upload of a certain video has made new progress. The notification.userInfo payload will be filled with:

id: String, // video/upload ID
upload: Upload

.VKVideoUploadCanceled, .VKVideoUploadFailed, .VKVideoUploadComplete

Sent when the upload of a certain video finishes (either with success, failure or cancelled state). The notification.userInfo payload will be filled with:

id: String, // video/upload ID
error: Error?


Sent when any of the currently active uploads changes. The notification.userInfo payload will be filled with:

uploads: [Upload]


Sent when a new stream is created. The notification.userInfo payload will be filled with:

id: String,
stream: Stream


Sent when an existing stream is deleted. The notification.userInfo payload will be filled with:

id: String


Sent when the content of any of the active playlists changes. The notification.userInfo payload will be filled with:

playlist: Playlist,
videos: [Video]


Sent when the playback of a certain video fails. The notification.userInfo payload will be filled with:

id: String, // video id
error: Error