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Version: iOS SDK v1.3.0

Query Videos

Querying videos happens through the video store component that you can retrieve with VideoKit.videos(). All functions of this component are asynchronous and accept a completion handler.

Note that just like all other network APIs, you will need a valid session or the call will return an error.

Fetch single video

Single videos can be fetched by id with the get() method:

let videos: VideoStore = VideoKit.videos()
videos.get(id: id) { video, err in
// Got video / error

Query lists

The video store can return immutable lists of videos ([Video]). As with other APIs, we use request objects to define the query parameters, all extending the VideosRequest interface. We expose several types of requests, and in all cases you can set a SortOrder and limit and offset parameters.

Once you have the request, just call list:

let videos: VideoStore = VideoKit.videos()
videos.list(request) { videos, err in
// Got videos / error

Filter by user

You can filter by user using UserVideosRequest:

var request = UserVideosRequest(identity: userIdentity)
request.limit = 10
request.offset = 10
request.order = .desc

Filter by id

You can filter by id using CustomVideosRequest:

var request = CustomVideosRequest(ids: listOfIds)
request.limit = 10
request.offset = 10
request.order = .desc

Filter by metadata and tags

You can filter by metadata and tags using FilteredVideosRequest:

var request = FilteredVideosRequest(tags: tags, metadata: metadata)
request.title = "title"
request.limit = 10
request.offset = 10
request.order = .desc