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Version: iOS SDK v1.3.0

iOS Release Notes

The latest version of the VideoKit SDK for iOS is 1.3.0.


Version 1.3.0 refactors and renames many SDK components. Please refer to the documentation.


  • VKRecorder: Video Stabilization mode now defaults to .standard due to issues with certain devices where .auto results in .cinematic. Read more on side-effects for that mode here.
  • VKRecorderViewController: new dataSource method discardRecordingString to define the discard recording popup string (defaults to "Discard the last clip?" or "Discard recording?")
  • VKRecorderViewController: Fixed an issue where the exit button was not clickable if video or audio permissions were denied.
  • VKRecorderViewController, VKRecorder: Fixing issue where clicking discard in single video recording mode would not actually discard the recording.
  • VKRecorderViewController: FIX: resolving an issue where the time selector was still hidden after all recorded clips were removed or recording was discarded
  • VKRecorderViewController: FIX: resolving an issue where the record button was not pressable after recorder view was presented
  • VKRecorderViewController: FIX: resolved an issue where the flashlight image was still showing an active flashlight even though the light got turned off by stopping the recording
  • VKRecorderDelegate: Adding "vkRecorderSession(_ session: VKRecorderSession, didRemoveClips removed: [VKRecorderClip])" which is called when one or more (e.g. all) clips are removed
  • VKRecorderSession: Adding public property "currentClip" which holds a VKRecorderClip instance of the current clip that is being recorded.
  • VKRecorderSession: removeAllClips gets a completion callback, since clips are being removed asynchronously
  • VKRecorderViewController: The recorder view controller delegate didPauseRecording(clip: clip, recorder: vkRecorder) is now being called any time the session pauses a clip (vkRecorder didPauseClipInSession)
  • VKRecorderViewController: Recording Progress bar is now being automatically updated if clips were removed from session (Using new didRemoveClips delegate)
  • VKRecorderViewController: FIX: Clicking on delete button now also removes video recording (and clips) in single clip mode
  • VKRecorder: Filename now consists the lower pixelsize of the width and height resolution instead of just it's height. E.g. 1280x720 results in 720p (unchanged) and 1080x1920 results in 1080p (was 1920p before).
  • VKRecorderDelegate: Adding "vkRecorderSession(_ session: VKRecorderSession, didRemoveClips removed: [VKRecorderClip])" which is called when one or more (e.g. all) clips are removed
  • VKRecorderSession: Adding public property "currentClip" which holds a VKRecorderClip instance of the current clip that is being recorded.
  • VKRecorderSession: removeAllClips gets a completion callback, since clips are being removed asynchronously
  • LiveStream: Added ability to update bitrate even though live stream already started
  • LiveStream: Better support for adaptive bitrate streaming (VKStreamerProtocol.isAbrEnabled)
  • LiveStream: Fixed a deadlock on main thread and proper orientation handling
  • LiveStream: Updating stream parameters on change if stream is not started for better video size handling
  • LiveStream: Now using VKLoggerType.Live for live stream related logging
  • VKPlayer: Resetting retry count if player recovered to normal state
  • VKPlayerView: New internal health checker that checks for playback issues
  • Now using VKError.networkNoDataError or VKError.networkJsonError to make errors in network requests more clear.


  • VKRecorderViewController: Fixed an issue where the recording session was not ready after pressing the recoding button for the first time.
  • VKRecorder: Sped up general recorder initialization time.